Glass Restoration & Protection
Glass shower doors are one of the hardest bathroom areas to keep clean. Hard water causes calcium to build up and leaves mineral residue on the surface. The surface then becomes dull and hazy. When these minerals are left behind after all moisture dries, a more uneven surface is left behind for soap and other residue to cling to. It can be hard work tying to clean shower doors and walls and the chemicals that are in some of the cleaning products available in the shops can really “get up your nose”. Our method is non-abrasive and bleach-free and yet highly effective in keeping the hardest bathroom areas such as glass shower doors and tiled walls free from calcium deposit and soap scum. We have designed a non-toxic, 100% biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly method to help your shower regain its initial sparkle. So why not just give us a call and we can get that shower really clean while you can attend to your other more important chores?
Why replace when we can restore that initial sparkle to any shower?
Treatment time can range from 30 minutes to a few hours. Depending on how thick the residue is and how long it’s been covering the surface, a second treatment may be required. Treatment is also available for pool glass panels.